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Bureau Cube Partners

Expert Team

Today, BUREAU CUBE PARTNERS consists of 70 licensed graduate and/or architectural engineers holding MSc degree with many years of applied theoretical and practical knowledge and experience in creation, development, production, coordination and implementation of all phases of design process in the expert disciplines "architecture and urbanism", starting with spatial and urban planning documents, through architectural projects of residential, business and combined basic and compatible purposes, to exceptionally reference-spot projects of medium and high level that included demanding functional, design-related, architectural, content-related and especially integrative technical-technological complexities.

In addition to exceptional expert knowledge and professionalism in expert disciplines of "architecture and urban planning", BUREAU CUBE PARTNERS team builds the quality of its services on:
  • Commitment to clients' interests,
  • Understanding their needs,
  • Familiarity with opportunities and processes in the local market, as well as with global trends,
  • Readiness for complex and challenging prospects and creation of new opportunities,
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Bureau Cube Partners

Considering prospects as a whole

Regardless of whether you invest money in construction business or in capital market, the basis of every serious undertaking is a vision. During realization of that vision, you used to find or tried to find answers to a wide range of emerged needs in different places. Such solutions almost certainly resulted in a complete absence of supervision and coordination.

Mutually complementary experts associated in BUREAU CUBE PARTNERS studio provide you with top-notch and utterly professional support in the process of implementation of all relevant aspects of your project, understanding comprehensiveness of your idea.