Hotel complex HOTEL SREBRNAC Location: Investor: Type: New construction GFA: 25.094,00 m2 Year: 2023 Number of floors: B+4S+Gf+2+Rl Photographs Description The specificity of the tourist complex in terms of design, as well as in the context of the selected principles of materialization, is reflected in the way of shaping the planned corpus with applied forms
Hotel complex HOTEL BRISTOL Location: Karađorđeva Str. 50, Savski venac Investor: Company “Beograd na vodi” DOO Type: Reconstruction, rehabilitation and adaptation GFA: 15.350,00 m2 Year: 2020 Number of floors: B+Gf+Me+3+At Photographs Description Despite the fact that the existing building of the HOTEL BRISTOL was conceived as a dual-purpose facility that accommodates various functions, catering and
Hotel complex HOTEL RUBIN DHS Location: Nemanjina Str. 2, Kruševac Investor: Company “Župa DHS” DOO Type: Reconstruction, rehabilitation and adaptation GFA: 11.000,00 m2 Year: 2016 Number of floors: S+Gf+Mz+9+Rl Photographs Description The design of reconstruction, rehabilitation and adaptation of the Rubin DHS hotel complex in Kruševac presented a complete design, organizational and technical-technological reconstruction of