The representativeness of this authentic design structure, organized through 38 residential units, is reflected in the architectural and ecological principles that were applied during the design of the free-standing dominant body, in such a way that it was given the possibility of creating different relationships that are its basic characteristic.
The building’s interactivity is reflected through the changes on the facade, the play of full and empty, light and shadow, which was achieved by using the principle of porosity, which, nevertheless, subtly assigned the attribute of lightness to a strong body. The link itself, which is achieved between his ability to change, in addition to contributing to his dynamism, also makes it impressive.
The ecological aspect, which was specially taken care of, is exceptional, which was achieved by introducing green elements on the facade, which, in addition to contributing to the ecological aspect of the building itself and the comfort of the residents’ lives, also contribute to the wider environment.
The architecture of the building in contact with the ground is closely followed by the ground floor arrangement of the complex, which was created as a response to the nature of the falling terrain, as a challenge, creating a courtyard accessible only to the residents of this residence.